Nearly all European countries have become increasingly oppressive!
He writes about Europe because here two systems were born. I will not write about what? In the 1930s the Nazis accused the Jews of the consequences of losing the war, remember that in the middle of Europe there were Ghetto !! Stalin another tyrant murdered about 15 million people, with little news in the west. For example, Italy LEGA NORD screams emigrants steal jobs,
blame emigrants for crisis (daily government spends 100,000 euros) on emigrants, real bisness? And what their grandparents did in the late 40s they emigrated to Argentina, USA, Germany for bread. Similarly, now immigrants are searching for refuge as refugees ps problem none of them do not want ps UK came out of European unity !!! With France being another example of Front National next
party xenofoba like no Italian blamed emigrants for everything, I'm very shocked by recent events like the election campaign I knew would win this "good", the bad and so on. The domino effect starts. This is the consequences of the 2010-2012 crisis and I think with a silence before the storm !!!To discover how you avoid making these same mistakes and even better
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